Press Releases

Rep. Ben Cline Votes to Reclaim the Role of Parents in Their Childrens Education

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Today, Congressman Ben Cline (R-VA) voted for, and the U.S. House of Representatives passed, the Parents' Bill of Rights Act (H.R. 5). This legislation reaffirms and protects a parent’s God-given right to be involved in their child’s education.  “Parents are furious at the Radical Left’s continued attempts to indoctrinate our children with woke agendas in…

Rep. Ben Cline Votes to Overturn Bidens ESG Veto, Protect Retirement Savings

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Today, Congressman Ben Cline (VA-06) voted to overturn President Biden’s veto of H.J. Res. 30, a resolution that would nullify the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) rule greenlighting environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing in retirement plans. The president’s veto comes after both the House and the Senate voted in a bipartisan manner to reject DOL’s…

Rep. Ben Cline: Bidens FY24 Budget Leaves Our Nation on the Brink of Fiscal Ruin

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  Today, Congressman Ben Cline (VA-06) issued the following statement after President Joe Biden released his Fiscal Year 2024 budget proposal to Congress. “President Biden’s FY 24 $6.9 TRILLION tax-and-spend budget continues the downward economic spiral hard-working Americans have faced over the last two years,” Rep. Cline said. “Instead of addressing our…

Rep. Ben Cline Votes to Overturn EPAs Burdensome WOTUS Rule

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  Today, Congressman Ben Cline (VA-06) voted for, and the U.S. House of Representatives passed, a resolution rescinding the Biden Administration’s new rule that redefines which waters are considered “waters of the United States” (WOTUS) and subject to federal rules and regulations, including costly environmental compliance. “Carefully defined water regulation…

Rep. Ben Cline Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Increase Opportunities for Veterans

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Today, Congressman Ben Cline (R-VA) introduced the Veterans Entrepreneurship Act of 2023. Rep. Cline was joined by Congressmen Byron Donalds (R-FL), Lou Correa (D-CA), and Chris Pappas (D-NH) in introducing this bipartisan legislation. The Veterans Entrepreneurship Act of 2023 would allow veterans the opportunity to pursue their small business and entrepreneurial aspirations by giving…

Rep. Ben Cline Reacts to Bidens State of the Union: Democrats Are All Talk, No Action

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Today, Congressman Ben Cline (R-VA) issued the below statement in response to President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address. Rep. Cline said, “Since President Biden took office, he has focused on pushing a far-Left agenda to appease the radical members of his party. The Biden agenda includes support for open borders and amnesty; job-killing anti-energy policies that…

Rep. Ben Cline Appointed to House Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture

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Today, Congressman Ben Cline (R-VA) announced that he has been appointed to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration for the 118th Congress. Rep. Cline said, “Agriculture plays a critical role in America’s economic growth, and it is the number one industry in Virginia’s Sixth Congressional District. Ensuring…

Rep. Ben Cline Leads Colleagues in Letter to Biden Demanding Answers on Ignoring Budget Deadline for Third Straight Year

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Today, Congressman Ben Cline (R-VA), Chairman of the Republican Study Committee’s (RSC) Budget and Spending Task Force, led his colleagues in letter a to President Joe Biden demanding answers and accountability on the administration’s Fiscal Year 2024 budget following reports that it will not be submitted to Congress before the statutory deadline of the first Monday in…

Rep. Ben Cline Announced as Chairman of House Judiciary Subcommittee on Responsiveness and Accountability to Oversight

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Today, Congressman Ben Cline (R-VA) was appointed by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) to chair the Subcommittee on Responsiveness and Accountability to Oversight for the 118th Congress. Following his selection to lead the subcommittee, Rep. Cline released the following statement. Rep. Cline said, “Americans deserve a bureaucracy that is responsive and…

Rep. Ben Cline Introduces Bills to Improve Federal Rulemaking Process

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Today, Rep. Ben Cline (R-VA) introduced two pieces of legislation, which would attack waste in our bureaucracy and ensure federal agencies are held accountable to private citizens and small businesses during the rulemaking process: the Small Business Regulatory Flexibility Improvement Act and the Ensuring Accountability in Agency Rulemaking Act.  "Good governance begins with…