Press Releases

Reps. Ben Cline, Ted Lieu Relaunch Bipartisan Congressional Songwriters Caucus

  Today, Congressman Ben Cline (R-VA) and Congressman Ted Lieu (D-CA) relaunched the bipartisan Congressional Songwriters Caucus. Originally formed in 2003, the Caucus will serve as an informal group of Members dedicated to supporting songwriters and intellectual property protections.

Rep. Ben Cline said, “Making art, specifically music, is a powerful way to leave a mark on the world. It’s a part of our everyday lives, from what we listen to on our commutes in the morning, to the music we select for our most important life events, such as birthdays, weddings, and funerals. But today’s modern music landscape can make it more difficult for certain artists, especially independent songwriters, to make a living. That is why I’m proud to co-chair the Congressional Songwriters Caucus, which will play an important role in promoting the songwriting community by working to ensure the creative rights of songwriters are protected.”

Rep. Ted Lieu said, “My district in Southern California is home to many talented songwriters whose work contributes so much to our culture and society,” said Rep. Lieu. “I’m thrilled to join Congressman Ben Cline in co-chairing the new bipartisan Congressional Songwriter’s Caucus, which will work to support America’s brilliant songwriters by ensuring they can protect their work and make a living doing what they love. Music contributes so much to our way of life, and we must ensure those creating it are compensated fairly. I’m grateful to the numerous songwriter advocacy organizations who’ve partnered with us on the creation of this caucus and look forward to working together to support our artists.”

Nashville Songwriters Association International Executive Director Bart Herbison said, “It All Begins With A Song,” the entire music ecosystem. Since the Songwriters Caucus was initially launched 20 years ago technology has completely changed the way music is delivered. American songwriters still face challenges in the digital era and we are very grateful to Congressmen Cline and Lieu for their bipartisan support.”

Recording Academy CEO Harvey Mason jr. said, “The Recording Academy is proud to support the re-launch of the Congressional Songwriters Caucus which helps connect songwriters and composers with lawmakers to ensure that their unique interests are heard and understood. We are grateful to the new Caucus Co-Chairs, Representatives Ben Cline and Ted Lieu, for their support and leadership and we look forward to working with stakeholders across the songwriter community to advance the Caucus forward.”

National Music Publishers’ Association President & CEO David Israelite said, “We applaud Representatives Cline and Lieu for leading the Congressional Songwriters Caucus and we are excited about today’s launch. NMPA is the leading advocate for music publishers and their songwriter partners and we greatly look forward to working with the Caucus to advance policy interests that will protect creators and ensure that songwriters thrive.”

BMI President & CEO Mike O’Neill said, "On behalf of our over one million affiliates, I'd like to thank Representatives Cline and Lieu for co-chairing the Congressional Songwriters Caucus. Both have always been champions for creators, and we are in excellent hands with them leading the charge for songwriters and composers on the Hill. We stand ready to work with them to ensure creators are supported by strong copyright law and that they are fairly compensated for their work.”  

ASCAP Chairman of the Board and President Paul Williams said, “Songwriters are the foundation of America’s vibrant music industry, and we appreciate Representatives Cline and Lieu recognizing the importance of ensuring we have champions in Congress. As technology transforms the music landscape, ASCAP looks forward to engaging with members of the Congressional Songwriters’ Caucus to protect the rights of American music creators and defend the value of their hard work and creativity.”

Congressman Ben Cline represents the Sixth Congressional District of Virginia. He previously was an attorney in private practice and served both as an assistant prosecutor and Member of the Virginia House of Delegates. Cline and his wife, Elizabeth, live in Botetourt County with their two children.
