Press Releases

Rep. Cline Leads Colleagues in Letter to Biden On Strong Opposition To The Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard

Washington, DC – Today, Congressman Ben Cline (R-VA) led his colleagues in a letter to President Joe Biden, demanding that the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Department of Agriculture (USDA) do not move forward with adopting the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) as the minimum energy efficiency standard. 

In April of this year, HUD and USDA announced the adoption of the updated Minimum Energy Standards for new single and multi-family homes. This new standard will have tremendous negative impacts on housing affordability, during a time when our nation is already experiencing a housing crisis. According to the letter, “HUD estimates that applying the 2021 IECC standards would cause new home prices to rise by an average of $7,200 per single-family home.” 

Furthermore, the letter states that this standard, “will have a disproportionate impact on historically underserved communities and first-time home buyers who are highly sensitive to price and down payment increases at the low- to mid-price range of the housing market.” 

“During a time of 40-year high inflation, mortgage rates climbing to over 7% nationally, and housing affordability plummeting to record lows, the Biden Administration is implementing additional regulations that will only exacerbate the housing crisis,” Rep. Cline said. “Biden’s burdensome regulations have only had painful consequences – impacting Virginia’s Sixth District and the Nation – and we must oppose this Administration moving forward with another regulation that will make the American Dream of homeownership unattainable.” 

“Biden’s new energy efficiency standards will deliver minimal returns while burdening new homeowners with higher home prices,” said Congressman Keith Self.  “As home prices are hitting an all-time high, the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) will negatively impact the individuals the Department of Housing and Urban Development and Department of Agriculture aim to serve.” 

Craig Toalson, Chief Executive Officer, Home Builders Association of Virginia said, “Virginia home builders commend Rep. Cline for opposing the mandatory adoption of the 2021 IECC by HUD and USDA, which would exacerbate the housing affordability crisis by significantly raising housing costs while doing very little to provide meaningful energy savings to home buyers. Rep. Cline believes that HUD and USDA should assist vulnerable home buyers and renters, not price them out of the market. By standing up for housing, he is sending a strong message that this ill-conceived codes policy will deter new construction at a time when increasing the housing supply is crucial to lowering shelter inflation costs.” 

Carl Harris, Chairman, National Association of Home Builders said, “NAHB applauds Rep. Cline for working tirelessly to help ease the nation’s housing affordability crisis by opposing the recent actions by HUD and USDA to mandate the use of the costly and restrictive 2021 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) to insure mortgages for new single-family homes. This mandate will do little to curb overall energy use but will hurt the nation’s most vulnerable house hunters and renters. By fighting against unreasonable regulatory mandates that increase housing costs, Rep. Cline is leading the charge to address ongoing housing affordability concerns that will enable more hardworking American families to achieve homeownership or have access to suitable rental housing.”

Cosigners: Andy Biggs (AZ-05), Randy Weber (TX-14), John Moolenaar (MI-02), Jim Baird (IN-04), Clay Higgins (LA-03), Ralph Norman (SC-05), Mary Miller (IL-15), Aaron Bean (FL-04), Michael Cloud (TX-27), Dan Meuser (PA-9), Chip Roy (TX-21), Tim Walberg (MI-5), Greg Pence (IN-06), Mariannettee Miller-Meeks (IA-01), Adrian Smith (NE-03), Dusty Johnson (SD-AL), Brad Finstad (MN-01), Keith Self (TX-03), and Jake LaTurner (KS-02). 

Read more in the letter HERE.