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Schumer pressed on rush to pass massive spending bill: 'How is it a functional process'

Fox News

"Dropped early this morning is a 4,155-page $1.7 TRILLION spending bill, and they’re expecting us to pass it without time to read it? This is what’s wrong with Washington: late night, back room deals to spend more of YOUR MONEY," Rep. Ben Cline, R-Va., wrote.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., found himself getting pressed Tuesday on whether he was overseeing a "functional process" to pass a massive federal government funding bill.

Senate leaders unveiled a bipartisan, "omnibus" $1.7-trillion spending bill to keep the government operating on Tuesday. The bill totals more than 4,000 pages, and Schumer was put on the defensive about it during a press conference.

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