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Fiscal crisis nears as McCarthy takes debt ceiling plan to Wall Street

Washington Post

"NEW YORK — House Speaker Kevin McCarthy proclaimed Monday that Republicans would not allow the government to default on its debts, even as he labored to sell Wall Street on a risky fiscal showdown with the White House that could unleash vast economic turmoil.

Speaking at the New York Stock Exchange, McCarthy (R-Calif.) affirmed his party’s plan to seize on a rapidly approaching deadline — an urgent need to raise the debt ceiling, which sets how much Washington can borrow to pay its bills — to extract spending cuts and other policy concessions from President Biden."

...“I’m hopeful that Wall Street gets the message and sends it right down Pennsylvania Avenue to the White House, because we’ve been trying to get that message across, and the president refuses to engage in negotiations in good faith,” said Rep. Ben Cline (Va.), a conservative Republican who sits on key spending and budget panels." ... Read more here.