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Why Congress Has Reason to Be Suspicious of Narrative on COVID-19 Origin

The Heritage Foundation

Congressional Republicans are busy trying to uncover the origin of COVID-19, which has killed more than 1.1 million Americans... Congressional action was swift after a Wall Street Journal report that analysts at both the Department of Energy and the FBI concluded that the pandemic most likely resulted from a lab leak in Wuhan, China...

During a House Appropriations subcommittee hearing on the NIH budget on May 11, 2022, Rep. Ben Cline, R-Va. (questioned Fauci directly on the topic. Here’s their exchange:

Cline: “All right … when the prospect of a lab leak from Wuhan gained traction in April 2020, Dr. Collins told you that you should find some way to ‘put down this very destructive conspiracy.’ We also understand that Dr. Collins emphasized that the lab leak theory could damage science and international harmony. Did you direct letters to two professional journals be written, to Lancet and Nature Medicine?”

Fauci: “No.”

Cline: “You did not ask Daszak [of EcoHealth Alliance] to write the letter to The Lancet?”

Fauci: “No.”

Cline: “Did you review it before it was sent?”

Fauci: “No.”

Cline: “I yield back.”

Although Fauci denied “reviewing” the letter to The Lancet before publication, he did later concede that he had been given successive drafts of the Nature Medicine article, but quibbled over the use of the word “review.”...

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