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House Republicans could force a vote on Biden's budget: 'Every Democrat will be put on the record'

Fox News

Severl House Republicans are pushing for a chamber-wide vote on President Joe Biden’s budget proposal, a move that would force Democrats to go on the record about where they stand on the progressive plan he laid out this week.

Biden released his plan on Thursday, and some projections say it would result in almost $5 trillion in tax hikes on corporations and wealthy Americans and lead to increased costs for everyone. GOP lawmakers rejected it as a non-starter and panned the billions of dollars aimed at equity, climate change and other initiatives that they say are out-of-step with U.S. families. ... "The RSC’s budget task force leader, Rep. Ben Cline, R-Va., told Fox News Digital, "President Biden’s bloated budget should be brought to the House floor for a vote so that every Democrat will be put on the record stating whether they support more taxes and inflation-fueling debt on American families." Read more here.