Press Releases

Rep. Ben Cline: Biden’s FY24 Budget Leaves Our Nation on the Brink of Fiscal Ruin

  Today, Congressman Ben Cline (VA-06) issued the following statement after President Joe Biden released his Fiscal Year 2024 budget proposal to Congress.

“President Biden’s FY 24 $6.9 TRILLION tax-and-spend budget continues the downward economic spiral hard-working Americans have faced over the last two years,” Rep. Cline said. “Instead of addressing our unsustainable $31.5 trillion debt and soaring deficits, Biden’s budget is more of the same: more taxes, more costly regulations, and more inflationary spending. In the coming weeks, House Republicans will put forward a budget that actually works toward getting our fiscal house in order by reining in out-of-control spending and putting us on a path to balance.”

Congressman Ben Cline represents the Sixth Congressional District of Virginia. He previously was an attorney in private practice and served both as an assistant prosecutor and Member of the Virginia House of Delegates. Cline and his wife, Elizabeth, live in Botetourt County with their two children.
