Press Releases

Rep. Ben Cline Votes to Overturn EPA’s Burdensome WOTUS Rule

  Today, Congressman Ben Cline (VA-06) voted for, and the U.S. House of Representatives passed, a resolution rescinding the Biden Administration’s new rule that redefines which waters are considered “waters of the United States” (WOTUS) and subject to federal rules and regulations, including costly environmental compliance.

“Carefully defined water regulation is key to ensuring Virginia’s number one agriculture industry can succeed and local economies can thrive, especially in the Sixth District,” Cline said. “Unfortunately, the disastrous EPA is working to regulate every pond and puddle with their new WOTUS regulation, which will grant Biden’s bureaucrats more arbitrary control over our rural communities. Today, I am proud to work with my Republican colleagues to overturn the Biden Administration’s overly ambiguous and burdensome rule, and protect America’s farmers, ranchers, and property owners from this government overreach of power.”

H.J. Res. 30 would ease regulatory burdens for small businesses, manufacturers, farmers, home and infrastructure builders, local communities, water districts, and everyday Americans by invalidating the Biden Administration’s overreaching Rule redefining “waters of the United States” (WOTUS) under the Clean Water Act (CWA).

Congressman Ben Cline represents the Sixth Congressional District of Virginia. He previously was an attorney in private practice and served both as an assistant prosecutor and Member of the Virginia House of Delegates. Cline and his wife, Elizabeth, live in Botetourt County with their two children.
