Press Releases

Cline: H.R. 1 Is “An Attempt to Hijack Our Republic”

Congressman Ben Cline (VA-06) issued the following statement against H.R. 1 following a hearing in the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, January 29.

Congressman Ben Cline (VA-06) issued the following statement against H.R. 1 following a hearing in the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, January 29:

"As a member of the House Judiciary Committee, I was shocked that the Democrats would support the unconstitutional boondoggle that is H.R. 1," Cline said. "The bill flies in the face of law and order and it is nothing more than an attempt by Democrats to hijack our Republic at taxpayer expense. H.R. 1 would limit free speech, use tax dollars to fund extreme candidates, and violate the Constitution by superseding a state's ability to determine voter eligibility."

Congressman Ben Cline became the 35th Congressman to represent the Sixth District of Virginia in 2019. He served in the Virginia House of Delegates from 2002 to 2018. Cline lives in Rockbridge County with his wife and twin daughters.